Explore the best items to buy at yard sales and thrift stores.
Flip Weekly follows amateur flipper Mat, featuring his top picks and (hopefully) success stories once a week direct to your inbox.
Picked up for $25, this piece of obsolete technology will go on to sell for over $100.
With a starting bid of just $9.99, I couldn't believe the end result.
This wont last long, check Marketplace for this item to make yourself some money.
One of the oldest things I've ever held, besides my childhood photos.
Check your home, you might even have an one in a drawer somewhere.
2024 has come to an end and it's time to show you my best flips for the year.
Often mistaken for a regular $10 copy, it's actually worth 15 times more.
You think you've seen everything until a thrift store marks a $500 toy with a $5 price tag.
I can't remember the last time I saw an item of mine go this crazy on Facebook Marketplace.
This item was used in the TV Show and because of that we can sell it for a premium.
This week is all about buying and selling toys that we can flip for a profit on eBay.
2 monster weekends of sales have come to an end and I've found an absolute Holy Grail.